RCA/CA Maturity

If you didn’t happen to see my post on LinkedIn where I submitted a maturity matrix for evaluating the Root Cause Analysis & Corrective Action process you can get it here on my website. I’ve also added more videos to my YouTube channel, which can make...

Podcast on RCA

I was recently interviewed by Jon Taber who hosts a bi-weekly podcast on auditing.  Brief but good discussion of root cause analysis. https://podcasts.apple.com/be/podcast/episode-34-root-cause-analysis-duke-okes/id1590407172?i=1000577361463

More RCA Videos

I always enjoy seeing how others approach root cause analysis.  Here are links to a couple of videos that are pretty good....

Long time, no see!

Yes, it’s been several months since I’ve posted, although that doesn’t mean I’ve not been musing.  Just too many things on the plate. However, here’s a short collection of thoughts. Webinars: 1) One of the most frustrating things...

Technology and Auditing

The use of Zoom, etc. for auditing has certainly taken hold, albeit driven primarily by COVID rather than a desire to improve the audit process. There are several other areas where technology can help, including Analytics, Process Mining, and Text Mining. I’ve...